The Distinguished, Irrepressible, Guardians of the Light...

The Golden Gamma Xi Chapter was chartered at the University of California, Los Angeles on February 24, 1947, by the Alpha Delta Chapter at the University of Southern California.  The 32 noble charter members of Gamma Xi are as follows: Enoch Spann, Don Barksdale, Ray Bartlett, Robert Boswell, Emerson Chapman, Payton Cook, Olston Forrest, Artis Grant, Morris Hampton, D. Rudolph Henderson, William Howell, Albert Jones, Don Wortham, Harry T.Jones, William Lacefield, Arthur A. Lewis, Eugene Lytle, Harold Ballard, Henry H. Melton, Samuel Miller, Davage Minor, William Beverly, Joe Oliver, Stanley Robertson, Alfred Quinn, Alva Tabor, William Thompson, Charles Weaver, Darrington Weaver, Paul Weaver, William Patterson, and William Wynn